The Plan

What the week will look like:
 Map it Monday: locate the country on a map, color the country in, slap the map on the fridge
  Stats and Facts Tuesday: listing basic statistics/challenges the country faces           Walk in My Shoes Wednesday: focus on a personal story from the country
   Take Action Thursday: Some examples might be that we write a postcard to a missionary in the country, make a culinary dish from that country and remember the country in prayer as we eat, or just read a little deeper about the people from the country  

How we will pray:
We will let our focus for each day inform and shape our prayers for the country that day. 
Monday:  “Lord, give us a heart for these people.  Help us to love and care for these people as you do through prayer.” Recite John 3:16
Tuesday: prayer challenge – choose one problem to pray through/for
Wednesday: pray for those involved in the personal story

Thursday: thank God for His answers to prayer and His promise from Revelation 5:9-10 “Lord you are worthy, and we praise and thank you that you are ransoming people from Nation’s Name to be included with all of the family of God.”

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