Monday, May 12, 2014

The Lowland - Netherlands

The Lowland ~ Netherlands

Map It Monday:
Today we begin praying for the Netherlands by placing a map on the fridge. 
Our Prayer:
"Lord, bring the people of the Netherlands back to You.  Send the gospel that is the good news that all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ will be saved to the Dutch people.  Amen."

Stats and Facts Tuesday:
Today we will watch the Prayercast video and pray for the needs listed on the website.
Our Prayer:
"Jesus, let the people of the Netherlands end the tolerance of sin that keeps them from bowing their knees to the one and only King of Kings and Lord of Lords, Jesus Christ.  Continue to strengthen and build up Your faithful church in the Netherlands.  Give the youth of the country a desire to pursue and know the truth that will set them free, Lord.  Amen."

Walk in My Shoes Wednesday:
Today we will read about Jacques Brunt, a Heart Cry Missionary society itinerant preacher and missionary in the Netherlands.  Read about his conversion and his ministry with his wife and family in the Netherlands.  

Our Prayer:
"Jesus, we know it can be hard to be obedient to You.  We ask that you would encourage and provide for the Brunt family as they minister the gospel to their fellow Dutch people.  Give them abundant grace as they speak to so many and share the love of Jesus Christ to the lost of the Netherlands.  Amen."

Take Action Thursday:
Today we will be watching and listening to Paul Washer preach to an assembly of Dutch children in English with a Dutch translation.  We will sit enthralled along with the other children in the audience, and listen to the gospel story told again - the sweet good news of Jesus' death in our place. 

(First sermon is about 22 minutes long - entire video is about 1 hour)
Our Prayer:
"Jesus, we want to know that we are Your children, that we have turned from sin and acknowledged You as our only Savior and give You our lives. We pray for the children of the Netherlands, that they would call on Jesus to save them and that He would be Lord of their lives.  Amen." 

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