Monday, May 19, 2014

Wrapping Up The Year

Wrapping Up The Year

We are about to wrap up our year of praying around the world, or half of it!  We have learned so much through this experience as a family and we hope you have too.  
I will be posting one more country to cover this week and next as Memorial Day weekend is coming up and families make their plans to launch into summer. So, be looking for that last post coming this week. 
Our hopes... that because we have taken a glimpse at a God who is bigger than we could ever imagine and who is moving and active all over this world, we will be changed.  We hope that we will pray bigger and with more compassion for all the peoples of the world.  And... we could not just stop half way through Europe and so we plan to pick up our travels through the rest of the world this coming fall.  See you in the Fall and pray on! 

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