L’hexagone ~ The Hexagon: France
Map It Monday:
Today, we place a map of France on our refrigerator.
Our Prayer:
"Jesus, France is a harvest field awaiting the good news that God sent His only Son to die for all who would believe in Him, so that they might have eternal life through Jesus Christ. We pray that You would send Your workers out into the French harvest field, and bring many sons to glory. Amen."
Stats and Facts Tuesday:
Today we will read, watch, and pray with the Prayercast website.
This is another great website to assist us in praying for France this week - check it out here.
Our Prayer:
"Lord, cause the French people to hunger and thirst for You alone. Do all You must do to draw them to Yourself. Help the to see that religion without the saving grace of Jesus is dead and can never save them. We ask for Your Spirit to move among your people and to bring many to repentance and faith in Jesus, Amen."
Walk In My Shoes Wednesday:
Today we will meet the Spencers. Watch and listen to their story and take some time to pray for them as they give their lives to the French people of Toulouse.
Our Prayer:
"Lord, we ask
that you would do all that the Spencer's need to get to Toulouse and settle
them into their home and place of ministry there. Raise up all of those
who You would call to be a part of this new local church plant. Unite
these people around the gospel and give them favor among the people there in
Toulouse. Give them a great gift of faith and make the impossible,
possible for the sake of Your Great Name, Amen"
Take Action Thursday:
Today we will make a craft symbolizing France. We will place it somewhere in our home to remind us to be praying for the Spencers in Toulouse and the French people. Read up about the Eiffel Tower and then try to construct your own!
Our Prayer:
"Lord, we ask that You would break our hearts for the French people. Give us a love for these diverse and creative people. Cause us to pray whatever You would have us to pray for the nation of France. We ask that you would change this people by giving them a new heart that follows after You, Lord. Amen."