Saturday, September 7, 2013

O Canada


Map It Monday
Today we are placing Canada on our refrigerator, as we will pray for this country all week.

Our Prayer:
"Lord, we want to pray for our neighboring country Canada today.  Please open our eyes to the needs of this country this week as we pray.   For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  May the people of Canada receive eternal life in You, Amen." 

Stats and Facts Tuesday
*Size: the world’s second-largest country
*Population: 33,889,747   
*Capital: Ottawa
*Official language: English; French 
 *Nearly 90% of Canadians live within 99 miles of the U.S. border (because of harsh weather and the expense of building on permafrost in the north)
Prayer Challenges:
The large number of Bible institutes, colleges, universities and theological seminaries – committed to a biblical view of Scripture – are fulfilling a major role in strengthening evangelical witness. These are spread across Canada. Some are experiencing renewal and growth. Some are struggling with enrollment and support. Pray for the students and their teachers, that missions may be a central aspect of their education.
Quebec is a unique region that has experienced in one or two generations the secularization and modernization that took France centuries to accomplish. While mostly French in language and culture, it is increasingly multicultural, with an Anglophone minority and growing immigrant communities. 
 Evangelicals in Quebec. Protestants are decidedly low in number and evangelical churches regarded as nearly cults. While Protestants are very mixed among French, English and immigrant cultures, there are also a significant number of practicing Catholics with evangelical beliefs. Pray for unity, fellowship and even collaboration.
 Church planting needs to occur in much greater measure. To bring Quebec up to par with the rest of Canada in the numbers of evangelical congregations, 3,000 more churches must be planted.
(information taken from Operation World)

Our Prayer:
“We want to pray for both the lost and the church of Canada.  First, we ask that You would continue to grow Your church, keep Canada’s long standing tradition of sending out missionaries strong, and plant new churches in Quebec.  Second, we pray for the lost and unchurched of Canada, especially in Quebec.  Would you pour out your Holy Spirit on the people of Quebec who are coming up empty, having tried to find what they lack in the world.  We thank you for your mercies that are new every morning, Amen.”

Walk in My Shoes Wednesday:
    Temple Baptist Church, in Montreal, Canada has been reaching out to people from many different cultures with the gospel for several years now.  They have printed gospel tracts in several languages and regularly hand these tracts out, engaging people in conversations about eternity.  Once a month, the members of Temple Baptist go to the Metro station in Montreal and participate in this gospel tract outreach.  Please be in prayer for Temple Baptist as they seek to engage this post Christian culture with the hope of the gospel.Temple Baptist Church, Montreal
Our Prayer:
“Jesus, so many people need to hear the good news of Christ, crucified for us.  In Montreal, Temple Baptist is faithfully engaging the culture around them, yet holding firmly to the truth of the gospel as clearly stated in the Bible.  We want to pray for the people who are members of Temple Baptist, that they will not lose heart, but work while it is still day.  Would you give them all that they need and would you renew their passion to share Jesus with the lost and dying in their city.  Amen.”

Take Action Thursday:
      We are going to print out some of Temple Baptist’s tracts and prayerfully hand them out to people this weekend.  We will especially be on the look out for those who are from another country or culture and make sure these people receive a tract.  We hope to gain the boldness of those from Temple Baptist and continue to share the good news of Jesus Christ. PDF of tract
Our Prayer:
“Lord, we need more boldness to share the good news of the gospel right where we live.  As we seek to hand out good Bible tracts to others, may we remember to pray for our brothers and sisters in Montreal who are doing the same.  Lord, bless and revive the Canadian church, Amen.”

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