Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lady of Snow ~ Greenland


Map it Monday
Today we place Greenland on our refrigerator and begin praying for the people of Greenland.
Our Prayer:
 “Today, we begin praying for Greenland.  We ask Lord that You cause our hearts to be stirred with fervent prayer for the people of this strikingly beautiful yet cold country.  We know that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Amen.”

Stats and Facts Tuesday
*The world’s largest island, but with the lowest population density of any country.
*Population: 57,291
*85% of the country is a glacial ice cap.
*Official Language: Inuktitut (Greenlandic)
*Over 96% of the country professes to be Christian.  Evangelical Christians make up just over 4% of the population.

Prayer Challenges:
From Operation World,” The culture of Greenland, so finely tuned to the inhospitable environment, is devastated by modernity. The dire results are widespread immorality and sexual abuse, alcoholism, mental illness and suicide. Deep emotional and spiritual healing are necessary for many to move beyond their pain and hurt. Thankfully, some indigenous believers, missionaries and short-term workers minister in counselling, healing and deliverance and see wonderful fruit as increasing numbers are transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit. Many of those working in Greenland, including many indigenous people, are newly empowered to minister as a result. Pray for this to continue and for those receiving help to get plugged into communities of faith.”

Our Prayer:
“Just as snow and ice surround the people of Greenland every day, may You come and surround them with the life giving gospel of Jesus Christ.  Jesus, we want to see You break through in these places where hopelessness seems to have taken hold.  We ask for You to raise up workers for the harvest that is ripe in Greenland, Amen.”

Walk in My Shoes Wednesday
The Gideons have been giving Bibles away for a very long time, since 1908.  Just this year, the Gideons began a work in Greenland.  You can read more about their endeavor in Greenland here:
We praise God for opening a door for this ministry that can come alongside the existing church in Greenland.  
                                                     Our Prayer:
“Lord, give the members of the new Gideons Camp in Greenland endurance to continue and grace to share the Word of God with many.  Bless the Gideons of Greenland with the funds and the opportunity to go into many different walks of life with the life giving Word of God. Amen.”

Take Action Thursday
Today we are going to “break the piggy bank” and give a few dollars to help distribute Bibles all around the world through the Gideons.  We are also going to pray for the Greenland Gideon Camp. 
Members of the first Gideon camp in Greenland. Photo: © 2013 The Gideons International.

Our Prayer:
“Jesus, so many people need to know You and many people need Your Word.  As we pray and give to this work that has begun in Greenland, would you send the Gideons and the Bibles to the people that truly need them.  Cause these Bibles to go all over this country.  Do not let the hearts of Your people grow cold to Your Word.  Bring many into Your Kingdom through the Greenland Gideons.  Amen.” 

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