Sunday, September 29, 2013

Land of Eternal Spring ~ Guatemala

Land of Eternal Spring
Map It Monday:
Today we place a map of Guatemala on the refrigerator as we pray for the Guatemalan people. 
Our Prayer:
Lord, today we pray for the country of Guatemala.  We know that because You sent your only Son to die for the Guatemalan people, many will believe and inherit eternal life. Show us how to pray for these dear people.  Just as they have a lovely spring like atmosphere most of the year, may their souls be given an eternal spring as well.  Amen."  

Stats and Facts Tuesday:
A land of mountains, volcanoes and lakes. Mexico’s southern neighbor.
Population: 14,376,881   
Guatemala's location between the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean makes it a target for hurricanes, such as Hurricane Mitch in 1998 and Hurricane Stan in October 2005, which killed more than 1,500 people. The damage was not wind related, but rather due to significant flooding and resulting mudslides. The most recent was Tropical Storm Agatha in late May 2010 that killed more than 200.
A town along the Pan-American Highway in close proximity to a volcanic crater
Guatemala's highlands lie along the Motagua Fault, part of the boundary between the Caribbean and North American tectonic plates. This fault has been responsible for several major earthquakes in historic times, including a 7.5 magnitude tremor on February 4, 1976, which killed more than 25,000 people. In addition, the Middle America Trench, a major subduction zone lies off the Pacific coast. Here, the Cocos Plate is sinking beneath the Caribbean Plate, producing volcanic activity inland of the coast. Guatemala has 37 volcanoes, four of them are active: PacayaSantiaguitoFuego andTacaná. Fuego and Pacaya erupted in 2010.
Natural disasters have a long history in this geologically active part of the world. For example, two of the three moves of the capital of Guatemala have been due to volcanic mudflows in 1541 and earthquakes in 1773.(taken from Wikipedia)
Our Prayer for Guatemala Today A beautiful video prayer.
Walk in My Shoes Wednesday:
We have dear Guatemalan friends who have lived a very hard life, yet they persevere and press forward.  They have often been apart from one another and struggle with the residual effects of a not so distant political upheaval in Guatemala.  They have three children who they are raising in the church and are continuing their education.  We have an ever growing Guatemalan population growing here in the USA ~ please pray that these people will hear the gospel and that they will let God direct their decisions so that future Guatemalan generations will be blessed.  
Our Prayer:
"Lord, we pray for the Bamaca family and so many others like them.  May the families be able to remain together and lead their children to Christ.  Would you strengthen the Guatemalan church so that the young people of Guatemala will be discipled and rise up to become the leaders of the Guatemalan church of tomorrow.  Please give these people a hope.  Hope in You never disappoints, Lord.  Amen."

Take Action Thursday:
Today we will pray this beautiful prayer written for Guatemala based on the Lord's Prayer.  We will read it like a responsive reading with the children reading the bold words of the Lord's Prayer (try it in Spanish if you can) and I will read the more personal part of the prayer underneath each bold face heading.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

South of the Border

South of the Border: Mexico

Map It Monday

Today we place a map of Mexico on our refrigerator to begin our week of prayer for our first country south of the border.

Our Prayer:
“Lord Jesus, we turn our eyes and hearts to the country of Mexico.  We ask that You would come in power to a nation that is so rich in its heritage and its attraction to all things spiritual.  For we know that you will not turn away from anyone who calls on the name of the Lord.  For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Amen.”

Stats and Facts Tuesday

Population: 110,645,154
Official language: Spanish; the world’s largest Spanish-speaking nation   
Christian:  95.03%   Evangelical: 8.3%
Topical Geography: Latin America’s third largest country. Wide range of topography and rainfall ranging from arid northern plateau, central volcanic plateau and the southern mountains and rain forests. Only 10% of the country is arable.

Prayer Challenges:
For 300 years the Catholic Church dominated Mexico. Most Mexicans are culturally Catholic but not practicing; only 10% are regular churchgoers. Many others blend elements of Amerindian spiritism, including gods and goddesses, into folk Catholicism. Pray for renewal to spread and deepen by the Holy Spirit’s power, and for the polluting influences of ancient gods and the spirit-world to be broken among those with Christo-pagan beliefs and practices.
Evangelicals have grown, even amid some opposition in certain areas. Growth is in both international denominations and in vigorous newer indigenous movements. Pray that the momentum might be maintained. The highest concentrations of evangelicals are in large cities, in northern states bordering the USA and in southern states where there is a higher proportion of Amerindian peoples. Returnees from the USA are influential in bringing evangelical Christianity back with them. Many Mexicans seek a spirituality beyond what they see as empty religious traditions. Pray for this growth to be sustained in both numbers and spiritual depth. (Operation World)

Our Prayer:

Walk In My Shoes Wednesday
     UIM Ministries reaches out to the indigenous people of Mexico located in the Sierra Madre mountain range.  These people are isolated from much of the world and have many basic needs such as clean water and healthy food.  UIM is an aviation ministry that partners with other missions, such as Wycliffe Bible Translators, to help these people groups in Mexico.  Please pray for their all-important work, in particular to the Huichol people of Mexico. 

Our Prayer:
“Please Lord, send the resources and men and women that these precious people in the Sierra Madre Mountains need.  Give them the message of good news in the gospel so that they have hope and a new reason for living.  Send godly doctors, translators, and pastors to help these people groups.  Let them see many generation that follow after You, Lord.  Amen.”
Take Action Thursday

Today we are going to pray for the people of Mexico, in particular the Huichol people, UIM ministries, and the people who live in the Sierra Madre Mountain Range.  We will be using Romans 10:8-17 as we pray.
Our Prayer:
But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith that we proclaim); because, ifyou confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved. For the Scripture says, “Everyone who believes in him will not be put to shame.” For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him. For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard?And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, “Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?” So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.

Because the gospel is such sweet news to those who are perishing, we might try our hand at this Mexican desert and meditate on the sweet, good news of Jesus Christ for Mexico while we bake and eat it. Mexican Apple Enchiladas

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Lady of Snow ~ Greenland


Map it Monday
Today we place Greenland on our refrigerator and begin praying for the people of Greenland.
Our Prayer:
 “Today, we begin praying for Greenland.  We ask Lord that You cause our hearts to be stirred with fervent prayer for the people of this strikingly beautiful yet cold country.  We know that God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. Amen.”

Stats and Facts Tuesday
*The world’s largest island, but with the lowest population density of any country.
*Population: 57,291
*85% of the country is a glacial ice cap.
*Official Language: Inuktitut (Greenlandic)
*Over 96% of the country professes to be Christian.  Evangelical Christians make up just over 4% of the population.

Prayer Challenges:
From Operation World,” The culture of Greenland, so finely tuned to the inhospitable environment, is devastated by modernity. The dire results are widespread immorality and sexual abuse, alcoholism, mental illness and suicide. Deep emotional and spiritual healing are necessary for many to move beyond their pain and hurt. Thankfully, some indigenous believers, missionaries and short-term workers minister in counselling, healing and deliverance and see wonderful fruit as increasing numbers are transformed by the work of the Holy Spirit. Many of those working in Greenland, including many indigenous people, are newly empowered to minister as a result. Pray for this to continue and for those receiving help to get plugged into communities of faith.”

Our Prayer:
“Just as snow and ice surround the people of Greenland every day, may You come and surround them with the life giving gospel of Jesus Christ.  Jesus, we want to see You break through in these places where hopelessness seems to have taken hold.  We ask for You to raise up workers for the harvest that is ripe in Greenland, Amen.”

Walk in My Shoes Wednesday
The Gideons have been giving Bibles away for a very long time, since 1908.  Just this year, the Gideons began a work in Greenland.  You can read more about their endeavor in Greenland here:
We praise God for opening a door for this ministry that can come alongside the existing church in Greenland.  
                                                     Our Prayer:
“Lord, give the members of the new Gideons Camp in Greenland endurance to continue and grace to share the Word of God with many.  Bless the Gideons of Greenland with the funds and the opportunity to go into many different walks of life with the life giving Word of God. Amen.”

Take Action Thursday
Today we are going to “break the piggy bank” and give a few dollars to help distribute Bibles all around the world through the Gideons.  We are also going to pray for the Greenland Gideon Camp. 
Members of the first Gideon camp in Greenland. Photo: © 2013 The Gideons International.

Our Prayer:
“Jesus, so many people need to know You and many people need Your Word.  As we pray and give to this work that has begun in Greenland, would you send the Gideons and the Bibles to the people that truly need them.  Cause these Bibles to go all over this country.  Do not let the hearts of Your people grow cold to Your Word.  Bring many into Your Kingdom through the Greenland Gideons.  Amen.” 

Saturday, September 7, 2013

O Canada


Map It Monday
Today we are placing Canada on our refrigerator, as we will pray for this country all week.

Our Prayer:
"Lord, we want to pray for our neighboring country Canada today.  Please open our eyes to the needs of this country this week as we pray.   For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  May the people of Canada receive eternal life in You, Amen." 

Stats and Facts Tuesday
*Size: the world’s second-largest country
*Population: 33,889,747   
*Capital: Ottawa
*Official language: English; French 
 *Nearly 90% of Canadians live within 99 miles of the U.S. border (because of harsh weather and the expense of building on permafrost in the north)
Prayer Challenges:
The large number of Bible institutes, colleges, universities and theological seminaries – committed to a biblical view of Scripture – are fulfilling a major role in strengthening evangelical witness. These are spread across Canada. Some are experiencing renewal and growth. Some are struggling with enrollment and support. Pray for the students and their teachers, that missions may be a central aspect of their education.
Quebec is a unique region that has experienced in one or two generations the secularization and modernization that took France centuries to accomplish. While mostly French in language and culture, it is increasingly multicultural, with an Anglophone minority and growing immigrant communities. 
 Evangelicals in Quebec. Protestants are decidedly low in number and evangelical churches regarded as nearly cults. While Protestants are very mixed among French, English and immigrant cultures, there are also a significant number of practicing Catholics with evangelical beliefs. Pray for unity, fellowship and even collaboration.
 Church planting needs to occur in much greater measure. To bring Quebec up to par with the rest of Canada in the numbers of evangelical congregations, 3,000 more churches must be planted.
(information taken from Operation World)

Our Prayer:
“We want to pray for both the lost and the church of Canada.  First, we ask that You would continue to grow Your church, keep Canada’s long standing tradition of sending out missionaries strong, and plant new churches in Quebec.  Second, we pray for the lost and unchurched of Canada, especially in Quebec.  Would you pour out your Holy Spirit on the people of Quebec who are coming up empty, having tried to find what they lack in the world.  We thank you for your mercies that are new every morning, Amen.”

Walk in My Shoes Wednesday:
    Temple Baptist Church, in Montreal, Canada has been reaching out to people from many different cultures with the gospel for several years now.  They have printed gospel tracts in several languages and regularly hand these tracts out, engaging people in conversations about eternity.  Once a month, the members of Temple Baptist go to the Metro station in Montreal and participate in this gospel tract outreach.  Please be in prayer for Temple Baptist as they seek to engage this post Christian culture with the hope of the gospel.Temple Baptist Church, Montreal
Our Prayer:
“Jesus, so many people need to hear the good news of Christ, crucified for us.  In Montreal, Temple Baptist is faithfully engaging the culture around them, yet holding firmly to the truth of the gospel as clearly stated in the Bible.  We want to pray for the people who are members of Temple Baptist, that they will not lose heart, but work while it is still day.  Would you give them all that they need and would you renew their passion to share Jesus with the lost and dying in their city.  Amen.”

Take Action Thursday:
      We are going to print out some of Temple Baptist’s tracts and prayerfully hand them out to people this weekend.  We will especially be on the look out for those who are from another country or culture and make sure these people receive a tract.  We hope to gain the boldness of those from Temple Baptist and continue to share the good news of Jesus Christ. PDF of tract
Our Prayer:
“Lord, we need more boldness to share the good news of the gospel right where we live.  As we seek to hand out good Bible tracts to others, may we remember to pray for our brothers and sisters in Montreal who are doing the same.  Lord, bless and revive the Canadian church, Amen.”

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Pray for the USA

United States of America

Map It Monday:
Just map it!  Here is a great link to all kinds of maps.  Maps of the World  You can print anything you find on the web site.  The print icon is located just above the upper left hand corner of each map. Today we put a map of the USA on our fridge to remind us who we are praying for this week.
Our Prayer:
"Dear Jesus, help us to love our neighbor as ourselves and share the life changing gospel of Jesus Christ with those that we live with in our own country, the United States of America. For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.  Amen." 

Stats and Facts Tuesday:
*Population: 313 million people
*3rd largest country in size and population in the world
*Poverty: over 36 million people, most of them white
*Minorities: over 16% Hispanic, Spanish is the 2nd spoken language, 12% Black, 4% Asian, less than 1% Native American
*Life Expectancy: 78 years old
*Abortion: 1,300,000 legal abortions per year
*29% Evangelical Christian /77% of population claims to be Christian

Prayer Challenges:
*Polarizing of nation politically.
*Spiritual heritage of country being attacked. (atheism and homosexual agenda)
*Introduction and growth of world religions. Immigration is up and with it new religions.    Protestant church growth is down.
*American church needs revival. (nominal Christians, need for discipleship, need for holiness,   need for spiritual unity, need to engage the culture)
Our Prayer:
"Oh God, even while we are so very blessed to live in the United States, our hearts ache because of the needs in the culture and in the church.  As we see a country that is undergoing change, we pray that hatred and bitterness would be put away from us as we see every individual made in the image of God.  We ask Lord, that you would revive your church as we seek to engage this culture with the truth of the gospel.  We pray in hope as we know that our hope in you never disappoints us.  Amen."

Walk in My Shoes Wednesday:
We want to highlight and pray for the MGKM, Making the Gospel Known Ministries, and the Peeler Family.  We have known them for many years and love them very much.  They have challenged and supported us in many ways, but most importantly they have always pointed us to Christ and Him crucified.  We are praying for them and all of the endeavors they are undertaking in the month of September.    
Our Prayer:
"We love you Jesus because You have first loved us and shown us Your grace on the cross.  You died for us and took our place on the cross, and so we praise You!  Would you please bless the Peeler family this week and all this month as they take this message of Christ's love shown to us on the cross to those who live in our area.  Give them peace, protection, financial help, love, and encouragement in seeing lives changed by the power of Jesus.  Amen."

Take Action Thursday:
Who doesn't love mail?!  I know we do around here, especially fun notes and cards.  We will be thanking and encouraging the Peelers by sending them notes and cards.  
Our Prayer:
"God we thank you for how You are working and moving in the United States of America.  May we never take for granted that our country needs much prayer.  We want to thank You for how you are saving souls every hour of every day in our country.  And so we thank You for Your promise to ransom people from every nation, tribe, and tongue.  May we be sent out as laborers in your field, right at home in the USA.  Amen."