Sunday, April 20, 2014

Land of a Thousand Lakes ~ Finland

Land of a Thousand Lakes ~ Finland

Map it Monday:
Today we begin praying for Finland, placing a Map of Finland on our fridge.
Our Prayer:
"Jesus, we ask that the people of Finland would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and come to full repentance in You.  Amen."

Stats and Facts Tuesday:
Read about the Fins here at this link, watch the video, and pray for the needs of this beautiful country.
Our Prayer:
"Lord, we ask that You would come and revive the hearts of your people in Finland.  The church in Finland needs a fresh outpouring of Your Holy Spirit.  Let the gospel message of Jesus Christ penetrate the hearts of minds of the Finnish people and cause many to be discipled in Your Word.  Build up the church in Finland and cause her to impact the culture in a dynamic way.  Amen." 

Walk in My Shoes Wednesday:
Today we are going to learn about a ministry called HIS.  This is a ministry that focuses on bringing he gospel of Jesus Christ to Mormons.  The presence of the Mormon church is large and growing in Finland.  HIS was begun by Rauni, a native Fin, and her husband to help combat the lies of Mormonism.  Watch the video/s and pray for HIS today.
Rauni's Testimony:

Dennis' Testimony:
(This is a longer video - @ 30 minutes)

Our Prayer:
"We ask You to use the Higley's ministry, HIS, to bring many Mormons the gospel.  We thank you Lord for the truth that overcomes the darkness of Mormonism.  Please continue to impact the Mormons of Finland, Rouni's homeland, with the truth.  Help us to be ready to give a reason for the hope we have in Christ.  Amen."

Take Action Thursday:
Today we will talk about why Mormonism, or the Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints, is a cult.  We will read and watch the video on the CARM website.  Our goal today is to understand the gospel compared to Mormonism.  
Our Prayer:
"Lord, our hearts break for all of those who are caught up in the lies of Mormonism.  Even more, we pray for those who are a part of the Mormon church in Finland.  We want You to expose the lies of the cult of Mormonism in Finland, Jesus.  Come and revive Your church and send them to the Mormon cult members in Finland, Amen."

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