Sunday, April 27, 2014

The Lovely Land ~ Denmark

The Lovely Land ~ Denmark

Map It Monday:
Today we begin praying for Denmark and placing a map of Denmark on the fridge.
Our Prayer:
"Lord, open up the doors of Heaven and send out Your Word to the Danish people.  Let them hear and understand that all who call on the name of the Lord will be saved.  Amen."

Stats and Facts Tuesday:

Today we will read more about this beautiful country and then pray for some of the needs of Denmark.  Please look at the following sites for helpful information:Prayercast Denmark/videoPray for DenmarkPray Europe/Denmark.

Our Prayer:
"Jesus, the light of the gospel has seemed to have dimmed in Denmark.  But You say that with You nothing is impossible,God.  So today we pray for You to do what many would say is impossible.  Lord, revive Your church in Denmark again.  Awaken the church to the truths of Your Word and send Your people out to share the life giving gospel of Jesus to the Danish people.  Make the Danish church a strong one for Your glory Lord, Amen."

Walk In My Shoes Wednesday:
Church planting is hard work, especially in a post-Christian Europe.  Kristuskirken is a church that was planted in Denmark in 2009.  Please pray for this new church that it would be used to spread the gospel all over Denmark. Here is an article around the time of the church's planting date:New Church Plant

Our Prayer:
"Lord, we ask that You would bless and provide for the needs of Kristuskirken in Denmark.  We ask that this new church would be the first of many new gospel, biblical churches all across Denmark.  We ask that the members of Kristuskirken would not be ashamed of the gospel of Christ but would proclaim it boldly.  Amen."

Take Action Thursday:
One of the things that the Kristuskirken church does with its children is teach them Bible based songs.  Some of these are familiar to us here in the States.  Many of us may know "The Wise Man Built His House Upon the Rock". 
 The children sing the same song here in Danish: Danish Wise Man Song (see number 5 in the list and click on MP3).  Let us sing along today and pray for the people of Kristuskirken.  

Our Prayer:
"May the church in Denmark be a powerful force against the atheism and liberalism that is so prevalent in this country today.  Let the people be wise and build their foundation on the Rock of Jesus Christ.  Keep the Danish people upon the Rock of their Salvation.  Amen"

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Land of a Thousand Lakes ~ Finland

Land of a Thousand Lakes ~ Finland

Map it Monday:
Today we begin praying for Finland, placing a Map of Finland on our fridge.
Our Prayer:
"Jesus, we ask that the people of Finland would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and come to full repentance in You.  Amen."

Stats and Facts Tuesday:
Read about the Fins here at this link, watch the video, and pray for the needs of this beautiful country.
Our Prayer:
"Lord, we ask that You would come and revive the hearts of your people in Finland.  The church in Finland needs a fresh outpouring of Your Holy Spirit.  Let the gospel message of Jesus Christ penetrate the hearts of minds of the Finnish people and cause many to be discipled in Your Word.  Build up the church in Finland and cause her to impact the culture in a dynamic way.  Amen." 

Walk in My Shoes Wednesday:
Today we are going to learn about a ministry called HIS.  This is a ministry that focuses on bringing he gospel of Jesus Christ to Mormons.  The presence of the Mormon church is large and growing in Finland.  HIS was begun by Rauni, a native Fin, and her husband to help combat the lies of Mormonism.  Watch the video/s and pray for HIS today.
Rauni's Testimony:

Dennis' Testimony:
(This is a longer video - @ 30 minutes)

Our Prayer:
"We ask You to use the Higley's ministry, HIS, to bring many Mormons the gospel.  We thank you Lord for the truth that overcomes the darkness of Mormonism.  Please continue to impact the Mormons of Finland, Rouni's homeland, with the truth.  Help us to be ready to give a reason for the hope we have in Christ.  Amen."

Take Action Thursday:
Today we will talk about why Mormonism, or the Church of Jesus of Latter Day Saints, is a cult.  We will read and watch the video on the CARM website.  Our goal today is to understand the gospel compared to Mormonism.  
Our Prayer:
"Lord, our hearts break for all of those who are caught up in the lies of Mormonism.  Even more, we pray for those who are a part of the Mormon church in Finland.  We want You to expose the lies of the cult of Mormonism in Finland, Jesus.  Come and revive Your church and send them to the Mormon cult members in Finland, Amen."

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Pausing for Easter

Pausing for Easter

We are "pausing" our prayer around the world this week to focus on the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ.

May you be amazed by the love of Jesus displayed on the cross for you anew this week as you remember the cross on which He died.  May you be filled with joy for the new life we have in Jesus.

He is risen!  He is risen indeed! 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

The Lofty North: Sweden

Map It Monday:
Today we place a map of Sweden on our refrigerator.

Our Prayer:
"Oh God, come and awaken the people of Sweden.  Let them hear and understand the all who believe in Your only begotten Son will have eternal life.  Give the Swedish people a hunger to know You.  Amen."

Stats and Facts Tuesday:
Read about the country of Sweden at the Prayercast link and watch the prayer video as well. Prayercast Sweden

Walk In My Shoes Wednesday:
Today we will be looking at IFES, an evangelical student ministry located in many countries all over the world.  Credo is the IFES chapter in Sweden.  Go and read about their work in Sweden and then pray with us for their work to be fruitful.  We will especially pray that all those who came out to hear Ravi Zacharias over this past weekend (April 2-3).  We pray that these students will think about and meditate on the truths of the gospel they have heard.

Our Prayer:
"We pray Lord that You would use these ambassadors for Christ to be made known among the youth of Sweden.  We ask that the gospel that is being sown in word and deed would go far and wide and accomplish that for which it was sent.  Give the young people a desire to know the truth, that it may set them free. Amen."

Take Action Thursday:
On Thursdays, Credo invites students to a Bible study @6:30 pm.  We will be praying for those that attend, that they will have a genuine interest in studying the Bible. They are scheduled to look at Hebrews chapter 13 tonight, and so we will read Hebrews 13 together and pray for their group.
Our Prayer:
"Lord, help these students who faithfully come together to read and study Your Word.  We ask that You would illuminate their hearts and minds to see wondrous things in Your Word.  We pray these words from Hebrews 13, Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen."