Monday, December 9, 2013

Haiti: Land of the Mountains

Haiti: Land of the Mountains

Map It Monday:
Map of Haiti to print.  Today we place Haiti on our refrigerator. 

Our Prayer:
"Jesus, Haiti needs you, just as we need you.  Today as we begin to go to the throne of grace for the people of Haiti, we stand on the hope and promise of Your Word that says,"For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life."  Amen."

Stats and Facts Tuesday:
Check out these informative links to learn more about the country of Haiti and the needs of the people there.

Our Prayer:
"Father God, we ask you to come and to provide real lasting answers to the hopeless and dying in Haiti.  Pour out true gospel help upon these people that have faced so much pain and death.  May the love of God in Jesus Christ be shed abroad in the hearts of these people. Amen."

Walk In My Shoes Wednesday:
Our friend Olivia Sultenfuss, and her father Mark, have a beautiful heart for Haiti.  They have recently spent some time in a place called The Village of Hope, located in Les Cayes, Haiti.  
This video gives a brief tour of The Village of Hope. 
Today, we will read about Olivia and how God has taken her to a beautiful place and pray for her as God continues to lead and guide her.

Our Prayer:
"Oh God, we thank You for the beautiful places that Your gospel takes us to!   Please continue to gently lead and guide Olivia as she seeks to care for these precious children that You have made in Haiti.  We ask that you provide all that Olivia and the Sultenfuss family needs as they reach out to the people of Les Cayes, Haiti. Amen."

Take Action Thursday:
Today we will pray specifically for the requests that Olivia has shared with me for herself and for Haiti.  Let us remember that God is no respecter of persons in any way, not in skin color, culture, nor in socioeconomic class.  Olivia and her family will be traveling to the Village of Hope again in the beginning of 2014. We are each going to take one prayer request and lift it up to God as we pray for them as a family.

*The name of the location that we are going to is called Les Cayes, Haiti (about 5 hour from Port au Prince.) The name of the village is called the Village of Hope (they have about 40 families here) and the name of the orphanage is called the Consolation Center (they have about 54 orphaned girls here).

*We need prayers for the locals specifically, that despite the hardships that they continually go through that their hearts would not be turned away from Christ and that they would have continuous hope.

*The same for the village. The village consists of shelters for a lot of single mothers, and as you can imagine being a single mother in Haiti is horrific, so prayers that these wonderful people would not give up and would be encouraged by the Hope and Promise of the Lord.

*Also, the missionaries that we became great friends with is also a way that I pray for Haiti-- they are great tools of ministry and hope and need prayer.

*our prayer right now is for provision. That God's will would be done and that He would provide for us every step of the way (i.e. health, travel, finances, etc.) 
Our Prayer:
"Lord, how beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!  We ask that You would provide for all that we have asked for Haiti and the Sultenfuss family according to Your riches in Christ Jesus.  We are so encouraged that You continue to place this country and its people on the hearts of so many.  Your will be done in Haiti, Amen."

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