Monday, November 11, 2013

Pearl of the Antilles ~ Cuba

Pearl of the Antilles ~ Cuba

Map It Monday:
Today we turn to the Caribbean Islands as we place our map of Cuba on the refrigerator. 
Map of Cuba to print.

Our Prayer:
"Lord Jesus, what a beautiful country Cuba is!  Everything from the colors to the people to the mountains, it is truly a pearl.  Lord, we see the grip of Communism and poverty in this nation, but we also see you growing Your church in Cuba.  Please help the church in Cuba to tell others that the way, the truth, and the lifeis only found in Jeses. Amen."

Stats and Facts Tuesday:
All in One Stats and Facts and How to Pray

A Slide Show with Stats and Facts and How to Pray

Our Prayer:

Walk in My Shoes Wednesday:
The Faceless Enemy

Our Prayer:
"Lord, help the Cuban church to stand firm to the end.  Do not let them give way to fear, but help them to return blessing for cursing.  May the persecution and ostracizing feed the fire of gospel preaching and evangelism.  We pray for Pastor David.  We pray that he would truly work for the Lord with all of his heart.  We ask that you would protect him as he serves You. Amen."

Take Action Thursday:
Watch "The Church Without Walls" and then have "a little church" yourself.  You may even want to have your "service" outside.  As you sing a song or pray or read a Scripture passage, remember the Cuban people.  Pray for these people to remain steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord.

Our Prayer:
"Ah, Lord God, You have made the heavens and the earth and all things good.  You have made Cuba and her people.  We ask that you would bless them with more and more of Your presence, more perseverance, and more joy in living for You.  We ask that the many people that live in and visit Cuba would be overcome by those who are living their lives for Christ in the midst of an oppressive government.  We ask that those who are running after the empty things of this world would see the Cuban church and run to Christ instead.  Amen."

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