Sunday, October 27, 2013

Peru: Land of the Incas

Peru: Land of the Incas

Map it Monday:
Today we place the country of Peru on our refrigerator and begin to pray for the "Land of the Incas."

Our Prayer:
"Father God, we look to You to reach the people of Peru.  You have begun a good work in these people.  Now we ask that you would bring all of your saving work to completion, Amen."

Stats and Facts Tuesday:
Geography: Three main zones: dry coastal plain in the west where most of the cities and industry are located, high Andean plateau which is more agricultural, and Amazon jungle in the east.
Official language: Spanish, Quechua. Spanish-speakers 80.3%. Most Amerindians are Spanish-speaking or bilingual; 16.5% of the total population speak Quechua 
The Peruvian population, estimated at 30.4 million
 (taken for Operation World)

Peruvian territory was home to ancient cultures spanning from
 the Norte Chico civilization, one of the oldest in the world, to the Inca Empire, the largest state in Pre-Columbian America. The Spanish Empire conquered the region in the 16th century and established a Viceroyalty, which included most of its South American colonies. After achieving independence in 1821, Peru has undergone periods of political unrest and fiscal crisis as well as periods of stability and economic upswing.(taken from Wikepedia)

The complex and ruthless matters of foreign exploitation, manifested via oil, mining and cocaine in particular. With oil and mining, foreign companies willingly endanger pristine environments, threatening the very existence of vulnerable peoples for grotesque profit. With cocaine, foreign demand for an illicit drug in turn drags poor farmers into cultivating the coca leaf for profit. Collateral damage from drug wars and attempts to eradicate the crop, as well as massive amounts of drug money laundered through the country, create a complex situation with no easy solution. Pray for structures of sin to be cast down, for evil to be exposed and for a godly solution to be found.(taken from Operation World)

Walk In My Shoes Wednesday:
Heart's Cry is a missions organization that has been aiding the church in Peru with taking the gospel to the lost the cities and the jungles alike.  

Today, we will read about Arturo Marin, a Heart's Cry supported pastor and discipler in the San Marin area of Peru.  He has a very moving testimony. 
Our Prayer:
"Lord, Pastor Arturo needs more and more of Your grace as he preaches and disciples people in the jungle region of San Marin.  Would you keep him safe, give him sufficient food and shelter as he travels, and continued monetary support for all of his needs. Would you bless the church in San Rafael with many who will follow after You, Lord. We thank you Lord, that you provide for all of our needs according to Your riches in glory, Amen."

Take Action Thursday:
The following video is chock full of first hand accounts of working with the churches in Peru.  It may be fuzzy, but the information is wonderful.  It is also from about 5 years ago, but these churches and people are still working in Peru.  We will be choosing one of the places mentioned in the video and praying for those people specifically.  Superb for your young people and children to "chew on." 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Taking a Break

We are taking a break from praying for a specific country this week.  Next week we will be looking at another South American nation.  Keep praying around the world and we will check in next week.  Blessings!  

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Pindorama ~ Brazil

Brazil~Land of the Palms~"Pindorama"

Map It Monday
Today, we place our map of Brazil on our refrigerator.

Our Prayer:
"Father, we ask that you would show these people in the country of Brazil Your Son Jesus, high and lifted up, that all men may see Him and know that He is Lord of all.  We know you loved the world enough to send Your Son Jesus to die so that all who believe on the Lord Jesus Christ would be saved.  We thank you for bringing the gospel to Brazil.  Amen." 

Stats and Facts Tuesday:
*Brazil is the largest country in South America and is home to almost half of the population of South America. It is the 5th largest country in the world.
*The Amazon River flows through Brazil.  It is the 2nd largest river in the world and is about 4,000 miles long.
*Portuguese is spoken in Brazil.
*50% of the population is under the age of 18.

Prayer Challenges:
Transformational ministry is greatly needed in a nation ravaged by inequality, injustice, crime, immorality and HIV/AIDS. While mainline churches have a long association with compassionate works, evangelicals have done far too little to effect transformation. Only 12% of churches have any kind of social programme, and most of those are very limited in scope. Once evangelicals address these challenges on a massive scale, then they can consider themselves to truly be “good news people”.
Brazil has become a leading mission-sending nation with great emphasis on the unevangelized and on church planting. Brazillians’ faith, enthusiasm, adaptability and talents (football, music, dancing) open many doors, but poor preparation and support can undermine all these.
Our Prayer:

Walk in My Shoes Wednesday
Today we will read a story or two from the New Tribes Missions:Brazil website.  This missions organization helps local churches to train, coordinate and send missionaries to tribes of unreached people groups. 

Our Prayer:
"Oh God of the Universe, we ask that You would rend the heavens and come down.  We ask that you would revive your church at home and abroad and put in her a love for the lost.  God, would you send workers into the fields of Brazil to plant, water, and harvest, where no one has ever heard the name of Jesus.  Amen."

Take Action Thursday
Today, we are going to read about the Royer family from the New Tribes Missions website.  We are going to discuss their question, "What part in history were you born for?" and also the verse, 
Our Prayer:
"Lord Jesus, we ask that you would pour out your blessings upon the Royer family in Brazil.  Would you establish the work of their hands as they seek to serve the lost people of Brazil.  Lord, would you show us how we too can use the grace that God has gifted us with to bring salvation to the lost.  We thank you Father God for blessing Brazil.  Amen."

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Oh, Unfading Glory ~ Colombia



Map It Monday
Today we place our map of the South American country of Colombia on our refrigerator.  
Our Prayer:
"Lord, we pray that You would shine Your unfading glory on the country of Colombia.  May all who believe on Him not perish, but have eternal life in You, Amen."

Stats and Facts Tuesday

In area, Colombia is bigger than Texas and smaller than
 Alaska. Colombia’s population is about 45 million.
Northwest corner of South America. The fourth-largest country on the continent. Mountains in west; plains, forests and jungles in east.
Population: 46,300,196    

Challenge for Prayer

Satan's hold on Colombia must be broken by prayer. Christ’s lordship must be proclaimed over the spirits of violence, revenge, lawlessness and corruption as well as the occult practices that have brought the nation so low. The web of drug barons, guerrillas, paramilitaries, corrupt politicians and occult groups generates great violence against the saints through intimidation, property destruction, murder and assassination. Every year, dozens of pastors and priests are killed.

Our Prayer:
"Oh Lord we ask that You would bring the gospel of peace to the people of Colombia.  Peace among all of the different people groups and those vying for power in Colombia.  Help the Colombian church to seek peace and pursue it, while praying for more to receive life eternal.  We ask You to be Lord of all in the nation of Colombia."  

Walk in My Shoes Wednesday
Today we want to focus on the Marxist guerrillas in the beautiful country of Colombia.  Here is a brief overview of the difficulties these guerrillas can cause.

Our Prayer:
"Jesus, we pray for those who persecute us and despitefully use us.  We ask that You would reach all of those who belong to the guerrilla groups.  Lord we ask that you be with all people that have been affected by these rebels.  Bring healing and wholeness to the Colombian people and set them free. Amen."

Take Action Thursday
Today, take a moment to register and download the Kids of Courage Columbia activity booklet.  In this booklet, there are stories, factual information, and hands on activities for children.  We intend to make the Colombian flag and sing "Jesus Loves Me", in Spanish.
 Our Prayer:
"Jesus, we ask that You would shine in all of Your glory upon Colombia today.  We want to see a real move of God in the people of Colombia.  We want to see people who are not given to fear because that have come to know the love of Jesus.  Help those who are persecuted to stand up under the persecution and to proclaim the truth of the gospel.  May Your Eternal and Unfading glory shine in Colombia.  Amen."